Citation-Based Finance Research Rankings

Ranked by the Citations of Articles Published in JF, JFE, and RFS

University Rankings - 1976-2017 (all years)

University Rankings - 1990-2017 (last 28 years)

University Rankings - 2006-2017 (last 12 years)

University Rankings - 2012-2017 (last 6 years)

Highly Cited Articles - 1976-2017 (all years)

Highly Cited Articles - 1990-2017 (last 28 years)

Highly Cited Articles - 2006-2017 (last 12 years)

Highly Cited Articles - 2012-2017 (last 6 years)

Ranked by the Citations of Articles Published in JF, JFE, RFS, and JFQA

University Rankings - 1976-2017 (all years)

University Rankings - 1990-2017 (last 28 years)

University Rankings - 2006-2017 (last 12 years)

University Rankings - 2012-2017 (last 6 years)

Highly Cited Articles - 1976-2017 (all years)

Highly Cited Articles - 1990-2017 (last 28 years)

Highly Cited Articles - 2006-2017 (last 12 years)

Highly Cited Articles - 2012-2017 (last 6 years)

Thank you for your interest in these Finance Rankings.

Ted Fee, Hugh Hartzog, and Haibo Jiang (Contact Us)